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Old 04-10-2024, 06:01 PM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is online now
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
If Canada was a sinking ship, and Albertans were rats , the rats would go down with the ship rather than leave. And right now, Canada is taking on a lot of water.
like it or not it hardwired in most humans to fear or be hesitant of change. This is the sole reason Alberta will not separates. When it comes to tackling issues most will assess the negatives and never take the time to create a plan to address the negatives.

This is why majority of people just go to work for an employer rather than work for themselves. This is why abused women take forever to leave an abusive relationship. Just like how people will stay living where they grew up even if their is a lack of employment or cost of living is beyond what they can afford

Overtime I have learned that betting on human nature vs thinking people will do what is best or what could be beneficial to improving their situation is far more reliable on assessing what will take place
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