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Old 04-09-2024, 06:15 PM
HyperMOA HyperMOA is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
So you’re saying for negotiations we would threaten the other side that we would block their railroads or else.

That’s not how negotiations work.

More like Alberta better not impede federal owns railroads or else.

You realize when land locked you either have a transparent and fair relationship as a confrontational one will implode on Alberta.

Still… no one has mentioned how they will take all of the Province, excluding National Parks, First Nations and railroads and be able to make it work given FN will retain their rights to harvest and access traditional lands etc. Free access for Canadians to visit their National Parks will apply. Clearly it would be hard to limit movement given the borders… especially going east.

People need to be reasonable and see that while saying separation, that the big win would be to change the transfer payments within Confederation.

Should have serious penalty clauses such as failure to approve pipelines in a timely manner means a reduction. Request to curtail production or global warming taxes or laws etc that harms our economy means a reduction to offset the short and long term costs to our economy.

Lots of simpler and more easily justified changes including spreading political power between provinces instead of control by 2.
It is absolutely how negotiations work. Land locked or not the CP will have to report to Ab customs and pay import fees as required. If Canada chooses to atrong arm Ab we have the same ability to strong-arm back.

Canada controls national parks but they don’t own the lands. National parks don’t leave tge province. Once again you would blockade them into oblivion.

Reserves can negotiate treaties with Ab or remain Canadian citizens. It will be Canada’s responsibility to airlift their citizens out of the blockaded reserves that stay within Canada.

As I said before people can pick apart easily resolved issues but nobody can tell me a good reason to remain in Canada.
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