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Old 04-02-2024, 08:37 PM
Marty S Marty S is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,486

I believe N A V I O N I C S will be a great friend for all who fish the bottom! Obviously sonar, radar would be an asset too for those rare fog bank daze and those dirty little black rocks that barely stick out

Lotsa great places to fish, infinite… some incredible bottom fishing to be had out there. If you have lots of money, pay for a few offshore bottom fishing trips and you’ll have an idea of where to go and what to do. Ask guides lotsa questions, and definitely find friendly guides… by asking around of course. Probly other goodest thing or goodest thing yet, find a buddy boat or two to hunt with, especially to go offshore, then you are each others lifeline when trouble comes knocking. This site is a great place to find buddies… even buddies with ocean boats! Then there’s the compatibility challenges! Hmmm… no advice there!

I got no boat, so I go with charters, once a summer for sure, ideally twice! Always want to buy one, but always find ways to deplete my dollars. Been too stuck up to finance one, mind you my conjugal partner not a big fan of lill Marty’s ocean boat buying fantasies and related.

Different runs of salmon all summer all over the place. Northern runs seem waaaay ahead of southern runs. Up north Chinook slows early Aug but down south some runs just heating up Sept 3. Pay attention to retention limits. I haven’t fished Rupert since Covid over, did go during tho! But non-retention totally for part of season, and only limit one for other part, possibly two when no fish around? Heard stoopid numbers of Chinook last year up there, and year before too, like stoopid as in not warranting the closure, like stoopid numbers of Chinook being caught…. sounds very fun tho, but I’d feel a little bad turning some of them fish loose that I just beat the frick outta… specially the bleeders. Such a fun fish too…powerful creatures… just can’t let the guide tighten the drags down too much, let ‘em run a little… they like that! No not the guide, the fish!
North island quits earlier than South Island too, Chinook wise. So haven’t fished PR long time cuz of non-retention. I hear you can’t hide from a NW wind there???

Pink and coho swarms in late July up north, would be fun on light tackle but charters always running heavy rods for Chinook… kinda kills these fine fish, even a pink can be very fun at times… we so spoiled as we stick our noses up in the air over a pink. I never found pinks in my excursions on the outside of the island, not even many coho, but just missing them, found the coho in the inlet at WH once, guide hated the wind and took us in, lucky we had our pike gear that day.

Had I known what the coast had when I was 18…❤️❤️❤️❤️

Salmon… think points - wherever the mob is driving around in circles, lotsa good shoreline trolling too. Guys that know the ocean troll valleys and the big banks too, but I’d leave that for the heroic!

Halibut humps… as in deep ugly mud bottom and big humps? Cut a half frozen pink in half daily lengthwise and juice it heavy with oil on the first rod then gob of herring and garbage on each other line. Salmon bellies??? Against my religion!!! salmon belly for the fat man… smoked and salted proper! Always hit Hali’s too when jigging for them junkyard dawgs in the rough country.

Lingcod pinnacles and cliffs. Get into the back country and they very violent!!! If fishing barely legal lingcods inshore, throw the jigging rod away and pull out your pike rod and ENJOY!!! Rockfish too… such fun!!!

Rockfish rocks…. And pinnacles and cliffs…. Just look for where the lings are feeding on them! Actually they everywhere, no idea why it has to be a 3 rockfish limit except close to town. There trillions, more rockfish than US dollar debt once you out there. Do get your depth descender devices to release, just don’t fish too deep or looks like their heads gonna explode, and nothing gonna help those. I HATE SEEING A TRAIL OF RED ON THE WATER!!!!!!

Hmmm…. West coast fishing…. Idolatry…. Definitely synonymous!!! Beware!!!

Last edited by Marty S; 04-02-2024 at 08:42 PM.
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