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Old 03-27-2024, 04:06 PM
2 Tollers 2 Tollers is offline
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Default Econonmically - Canada vs Australia

Interesting article in the Financial Post by Diane Francis with some solid numbers on differences in economic performance -- GDP, Health Care, Income Levels

From the article these two points are telling:

" Two big differences separate the two countries policy approaches in recent years. Exhibit A: Canada’s Liberal government has allowed unprecedented levels of immigration, which has swamped health-care systems and driven housing prices to unaffordable levels.

Australia, on the other hand, has kept immigration relatively steady compared to pre-pandemic levels, admitting around 80,000 permanent residents last year, compared to 471,770 in Canada.

Exhibit B: In 2022, Trudeau dismissed billions in German investment to build a major liquefied natural gas hub in New Brunswick, and he even questioned the “business case” of doing so. German companies have since started doing more business with Australian energy suppliers."
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