Thread: Elk Bullets
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Old 03-26-2024, 01:54 PM
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catnthehat catnthehat is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
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All this postulating on elk bullets is interesting, from the small .22 caliber stuff to the really big stuff and everything in between.
I do know that for every pro argument there is a conflicting rebuttal from the other side .
I also know that nothing is a given, no matter what we are shooting .
I have been around hunting all my life and my father started out doing cartridge investigations as part of
His job with C.I.L , so I have had lots of reading and research ( besides hunting magazines) at my fingertips growing up.
In all my years of hunting I have only seen two personal experiences where the bullet did not perform as expected. One was a a 150 grain 30/30 that got stopped by the skull of a beaver at about 20 yards, I was amazed at that.
The other was a slight off angle frontal shot on a white tail a few years back with a trusted bullet of 7mm and 145 grains at 135 yards.
The bullet broke up, part of it travelling the length of the animal just inside the hide, exiting amd breaking the right rear hock. The insuing hunt was interesting to say the least.
We could not belive that
A: the bullet broke up like that and
B: the broken piece traveled that far and still broke the hock of the animal.

Just goes to prove that anything can and may happen when a bullet is fired and hits an animal because there is no perfect bullet!
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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