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Old 03-22-2024, 12:19 PM
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pikergolf pikergolf is offline
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The way the Liberals explain the carbon tax it doesn't even sound that bad, you pay and you get a rebate. But that is not the whole picture. Businesses also pay the tax and they don't get a rebate. So lets use a loaf of bread as an example, the seed producer pays the tax on drying, treating and moving the seed, the farmer pays the tax on getting the seed to his fields and all associated costs with raising the crop and getting it to market. The flour mill pays the tax on their energy usage, the bakery pays the carbon tax on the energy usage and delivering to the grocery store, and the grocery store pays it to heat and light their building. So that grain has been carbon taxed how many times before it gets to the consumer? Guess who pays those costs? The people were willing to give it a try, but now they are hurting, I mean really hurting.

And of course the government blames it on those rich greedy corporations, and those that hate successful people eat that like mana from heaven.
“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”

Thomas Sowell
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