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Old 03-22-2024, 11:47 AM
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MountainTi MountainTi is offline
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Originally Posted by Sledhead71 View Post

So, what sounds better, April 1st gasoline will rise .03 or 23% increase ? Fear tactics are just that, I don't feel manipulating numbers is good business, but that's just my take on things.
Why is that manipulating numbers? It's going up 23%. Same as next year, year after, year after.......
It's kinda facts. Saying 3 cents would be more of a libber or dipper tactic, makes it sound smaller I suppose. Easy to pull the wool over voters eyes. Kinda like mailing out rebate checks rather than knocking it off your taxes lol.
Two reasons you may think CO2 is a pollutant
1.You weren't paying attention in grade 5
2. You're stupid
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