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Old 03-22-2024, 10:10 AM
Dylan15 Dylan15 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2021
Posts: 161

Originally Posted by Sledhead71 View Post
Sorry but anyone paying attention knows the coalition between the Liberals and the NDP, it is not new nor do they hide it... A true leader does not play games, politicians play games and Pierre is showing his cards.

The next election will be about the carbon tax, the Conservatives better have a solid plan as many voters will be expecting something... Again, real easy to dismantle something with-out providing solutions...

Games, more games and the tax payer, you and I pay for this crap. I for one am tired of the system, Pierre has a chance to provide real leadership but is slipping into the swamp just like the rest of them...

Regarding a plan, of course it should be released, the next election will be about the tax and adjustments to achieve a goal. It worries me that there is no plan actually, what do these politicians get paid for ?
Why would Pierre reveal his plans before an election is called? This would be tipping his hand. The election is over a year and a half away, best not to give out your ideas, or your opponents a chance to dissect your arguments in advance. People need to understand this. His platform will (hopefully as in the past) reveal everything. He would only hurt his chances by putting details out. He still has a lot of time to consult, listen, and finalize, and I would expect his team to be working on that. A year and a half is a very long time from now. What bothers us today, may not be relevant at election time. We all need to cool our jets on saying he's useless and worrying. Would you show your poker hand before you need to?
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