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Old 03-21-2024, 08:45 PM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is offline
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Originally Posted by HyperMOA View Post
Well many will worry about their seat over the party as soon as push comes to shove. The NDP is at a statistical tie with the Liberals, there isn’t a better time to get 4 more years and possibly grow the party. They know they will never form government anyways. All their paltry token promises have been fulfilled by the Libs.
You are correct they know they won’t form government and the present deal with them propping up the liberals is as close as they are going to get anytime in the near future.

They can see the polls saying can majority which means going from a minion with a little power to nothing more than a fart in the background if an election is called. The writing is on the wall that the damage is already done and there is no saving face for the NDP until the cons screw up big (if they even do)

Theses are not honorable people so don’t expect honorable actions. Expect them to act like self serving scum and you will likely predict what they will do

But we can dream of an early election but I don’t see it happening unless Trudeau chooses to step down and he doesn’t seem to think he should
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