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Old 03-04-2024, 01:40 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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Originally Posted by Sundancefisher View Post
Vehicles are getting more plasticized

Major appliances are built to last two years whereas my parents old Maytag washer and dryer lasted 40 years.

Spinning reels are mostly plastics now

It’s never ending.

It’s a disposal economy now. Consumers are not demanding quality and any quality companies were bought up and getting diluted.

Sage once had a great warranty. Now they have move distinctly towards disposable making older rods after shipping less desirable to fix than just replace.
Plastics do enable styling that metals don't, and in a lot of cases are a better or at least adequate product for the purpose, and save weight in many areas. They do have to make up for the extra weight of the added wiring and emissions and safety components and bling options built into a vehicle now, and the effects on performance on higher performance cars.

I think the Samsung TV power board issues from 15 yrs ago illustrate the issues mfgrs face and make with choices, sure there are others just like it, trying to save 5.00 on the total, add 0.5% to the bottom line profits, and big bucks to an exec's bonuses.
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