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Old 03-03-2024, 10:52 PM
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Big Lou Big Lou is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: AB
Posts: 821
Default Think I’m Calling It

Windy conditions today and fairly cool with a fresh dump of snow. Similar conditions province wide by the sounds of things. I’m back to work tomorrow and anything further for calling, will be at the behest of friends in the beef industry during calving. I only needed one more to have taken 60 and I wanted to round things out.

I figured I’d try and use the snow to my advantage and locate some prints to give direction but, the blowing snow was filling in tracks almost as fast as they were left. I saw a single coyote slipping into some brush in a spot I’ve called three times this season with no success and it’s normally a slammer. I’ll get back to it in an hour or so.

Went to another spot for a set. This one has been strange this year too. I normally kill 4-5 here in a season but, I’ve been blanked every time. Despite my efforts on a dirty hike in with knee deep snow, I was not rewarded and with shoulders slumped; I retreated to the truck.

Heading back to where I had seen the coyote earlier, I did a lap and decided to change up my stand entirely. Another half mile hike in my future, I parked and set out. As I got to an outside corner of the bush, I looked out in the field and saw a coyote mousing about 500 yards away. It had not seen me and I quickly got situated. I let loose with some rabbit from the mouth calls and immediately had it closing but, slowly. It was travelling with the wind and I don’t think it was digging its situation. At about 250 yards it stopped and seemed to be weighing its options. Looking my direction and then the cat tails next to it. I hadn’t even really considered shooting yet and any chance I had quickly evaporated as the coyote went into cover. I waited and called a couple more times but nothing. “This is not over” I thought while plotting my next move. “I guess I’m not just calling today, I’m hunting”.

Gathering myself and gear, it had been roughly 25 minutes since my quarry had vanished. Cutting the track soon after, I slowly followed for the better part of a half mile where I found the track joined by another. I can only assume that there had been a second coyote the whole time on its initial approach and was pulled away from the easy meal by amour. It was a reasonable spot to call. Out of the wind enough that my sounds would carry and an okay hide. “This will do”. Getting my caller situated and seeing as the rabbit didn’t work before, I let loose with a series of howls for about 45-60 seconds. With not much more than a minute passing, I spied the pair slip out of the trees about 120 yards away. They could not have appeared in a worse position for me to shoot. “Well this is not premium. Let em close I guess”. They started slowly leap frogging towards me. With the Bitch at 45 yards and the Tom, roughly 60; that sorry male was absolutely fixated on me and sort of broke off his advance. He was huge and pale. Simply beautiful and obviously quite keen. I then lost sight of them both. Not knowing how this would play out, I knew I was going with pup distress of some sort but, wasn’t sure if I wanted to be on the rifle or the shotgun. Things were going to happen fast but without eyes on them now - how and where? I opted for the rifle in case they broke hard downwind into the open. At the press of a button, it was only seconds before they reappeared. I immediately realized that I could probably shotgun them both the way they were coming but, I was already committed. I “barked” loudly and the Bitch slammed on the brakes at 60 yards, the Tom, only feet behind her. The Tom was a much nicer coyote but, I figured I’d have a great chance at stopping him if I killed his Bitch first. With the crosshair settled - BOOM! CHOP! and the 75gr V-Max once again found its mark, folding her like a lawn chair. I was on the Tom as he fled and probably could have taken him too but, I figured I had ruined enough of his day and I really was expecting him to stop. Which he did not.

I set out this morning, only wanting one today and called it quits at that. I was very glad to finally call a couple here. Like I mentioned, it’s usually a slammer spot.

Regardless, it’s been a real treat sharing my season with you. The reception has been something I was not anticipating in the least. A sincere thank you for that. They are rutting hard, so for anyone still at it; there’s still some great opportunity to be had. Happy hunting.

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