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Old 03-03-2024, 08:09 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Much like brook trout in the east, grayling are everywhere in the north but only get big in a few locations due to a collection of perfect conditions and genetics. Your best bet for true monsters is reading through the record books and picking out water bodies where they get to at least 3 lbs, then calling outfitters in those areas. NWT, Sask and Manitoba would be my choices, in that order, but you need to do some research. Also be really good with streamers, bigger grayling are definitely eating bigger stuff. My biggest was 19” on a 4” bunny bugger swung on an 8 wt - I kept upsizing my flies trying to catch a bull trout in a particular pool, and every time I upsized, I caught a bigger grayling. Blew my mind how those crazy things would smash what I thought were pike flies.

We have nothing like the grayling scene in Europe. There’s very few people in Canada who have specifically gone after a big one.
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