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Old 02-20-2024, 01:42 PM
IronCreek IronCreek is offline
Join Date: Feb 2024
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by klomas98 View Post
Who all hunts in 228?

There will be some minor changes in a couple of sections, that won't effect most of you guys and gals.

There is some land west of Demay Lake that will NOT be OPEN for hunting anymore. Just look for the new No Hunting signs.
A group of us have received written permission from the landowner to hunt on his land.... and he has not given any others permission.
We are very experienced hunters, and the owner will press charges if you guys are on his land. We have been told if they do say they have permission that they are lying and politely send them on their way.
Last season he was disgusted by the number of hunters on his 8 quarter sections again without being allowed there. Dozens he said, Deer just getting slaughtered.
One hunter shot and gutted a deer only 200 yards from his sister's home. That is dangerous guys and totally disrespectful. We as a group are better than that.
Each area that our group will be hunting will be clearly marked NO HUNTING AND NO TRESPASSING. I will be personally posting a few hundred signs, We just want a nice peaceful and safe hunt.
Please, follow the signs. when people go on somebody else's land, without asking it, ruins it for all of us hunters,

This was not meant to offend anybody, as 99% of you are awesome and respectful people. I am sorry for having to post this on here.

Feedback and comments are welcome
LOL Oye. The fact my family owns one of these quarters, and one NorthEast of the 'lake' and I havent heard a sniff about this leaves me questioning the validity of this post lol. I can vouch that this entire post is utter trash and in no way accurate folks. There's a road allowance into the northeast high water mark regardless, and no one local is going to bother you for hunting crown land lol

Sounds to me like a local got a bunch of free 'no trespassing signs' and free labour is all. No local in their right mind will be giving written sole access to geeks from Ontario. Thats fact

Last edited by IronCreek; 02-20-2024 at 02:12 PM.
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