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Old 02-09-2024, 10:46 PM
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Dick284 Dick284 is offline
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Originally Posted by titegroup View Post
Thought i'd throw this out there. Anyone on here have a registered letter sent to their spouse prior to getting their new license, basically asking them if they have any concerns about their hubby acquiring the renewed license? Cause mine did & i've never had that happen with previous renewals. Must be a new protocol, been married dam near 20yrs. & no criminal record . That's a first for me, they call it a background check. Signed by the Alberta CFO. I mean i'm all for public safety, & i understand some relationships can go sour. where there could be violence,, so i guess they're giving the option to a spouse / partner to come forward if they don't feel safe having a partner get a firearms license ,,, which in my opinion , why are they even in the relationship if that's the case. My spouse would just as soon tell them to stuff their letter, as she trusts me 100% with anything to do with guns, after been hunting & shooting ( including many competitions) for over 50yrs. Must be some new protocol ,, cause that's a first for me.
Get your wife all trained up and get her a PAL, I’d wager the waste of time letters stop.

Go have a look an Ian Runkle(he’s a criminal defence Lawyer) on YouTube, he recommends your spouse has the same licensing as you………

There are no absolutes
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