Thread: Fletching jigs
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Old 01-14-2024, 09:57 AM
jcrayford jcrayford is offline
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Originally Posted by Savage Bacon View Post
I like the idea of doing 3 vanes at a time. And like you said, the glue isn't impossible to get off. My only issue would be replacing it in a few years or so and wishing I got a metal unit. If I ever had to replace it. Maybe that would never be an issue?

And I agree that when doing 6 or 12 arrows it isn't going to take terribly long to do them anyway. Even if the jig does just 1 vane at a time.

I haven't had rum in a while. Maybe I can make it a new fletching tradition.

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^ I can't see myself ever needing another unit, unless I wanted to switch back to vanes/fletches longer than 3.5". But I don't think I'll be going that route.

I like having a fletching unit (whichever brand - doesn't matter) because then I can make up my own arrows. I've tried various vanes, cresting and even some unconventional stuff. Some of the coolest vanes I've had were Zeon fusion Vanes that had fiber optic rails built into the vane itself, so when you shot an arrow it looked like there were 9 points of light looking back at you - easy to follow the arrow in flight for point of impact. The only problem with those vanes was that fletching time was slightly increased as you needed to be careful when pulling the mini's arms away from the shaft so that the arm didn't catch on the fiber optic rail and pull the vane away (let the glue set up for a few minutes more)

Try the new fletching tradition with your own choice of refreshment and the process may become even more enjoyable? ha ha ha...

My $0.02.... Please feel free to take my comments with a grain of salt
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