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Old 12-31-2023, 09:04 AM
Nova Nova is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: SK
Posts: 838

If you've already got a 1 ton dually you are off to a good start. It is hard to beat a Bigfoot or Northern Lite. Just be aware that while they are much less prone to water issues, they still do have issues. Particularly around compartments. These days finding a good deal can be a bit tough, they jumped a fair bit in price during COVID. I still see the odd deal out there but they sell quick. If you're intent on going this route I would suggest you get your truck set up with the tie downs now, buy some Torklift AnchorGuard or FastGuns and be ready to pounce when you find what you are looking for.

Ease of loading and unloading is helped a lot with the right equipment and a bit of practice. The aforementioned FastGuns pop off really quick. Electric jacks are super efficient. Wireless electric is even better. Unloading is really quick, not much more than 5 minutes. Loading can vary, ground conditions are the biggest factor. I would say on the fast side I could have it loaded in under 15 minutes, some days might stretch closer to a half hour if there are ground issues.

As far as driving, I think it is pretty much what you'd expect it to be. 50km/h cross winds definitely aren't fun. Headwinds kill fuel mileage in a hurry. I try to cut back to 80km/h when I can do it without burdening other traffic (quiet highways with clear sightlines for passing), makes a huge difference in my fuel mileage. I went from a single axle to tandem boat trailer this year and it is amazing how much it cleaned up the ride.
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