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Old 10-17-2023, 05:22 PM
TheIceTitan TheIceTitan is offline
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 252

Originally Posted by fishnguy View Post
Israelis are saying, after an investigation (that was quick), it was a Hamas rocket that malfunctioned and hit the hospital. The guy also said that they had no targets or operations in the area.

Edit: the latter part was, I bet you, word for word what the Russian guy was saying after the Kramatorsk incident last year. I will have to find the transcript to compare.

Edit 2: they didn’t say Hamas, but Islamic Jihad. I had misspoken.
Use some critical thinking. Does Hamas have anything with a payload large enough to destroy that large a structure and kill that many people? You've seen their poor-boy, improvised rockets -- enough power to destroy a few parked cars, if that.

Further, Kramatorsk is a pro-Russian area of eastern Ukraine, so the Ukies have no qualms about killing civilians there (they don't even see them as "Ukrainian"). The Kramatorsk story was dropped by the Western MSM when an Italian journalist posted a photo of the Tochka-U rocket carcass that had a serial number whose last digit was within five units of the Tochka-Us Ukraine had fired on Donetsk. Ukraine got caught red-handed and the story was dropped within a couple of days.
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