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Old 07-18-2023, 06:29 PM
Thomas Tatar Thomas Tatar is offline
Join Date: Jul 2023
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by Don Andersen View Post

Colorado seems to have developed a strain of rainbows resistant to Whirling Disease (WD).

I really appreciate you posting this Don as this does represent a possible strategy to mitigating whirling disease. I do know this has been a long process for Colorado and that the original strain they stocked which was half Hofer (German) and half Colorado River (very susceptible), didn't have much success and wasn't a very good angling fish.

However, they found a native strain (Harrison Lake) that was actually already somewhat resistant to whirling disease and combined it with the Hofer strain and they found much more success. Here is a link of their most recent publication on the matter: https://afspubs.onlinelibrary.wiley....002/nafm.10878

I can also tell you that the now deconstructed Whirling Disease Program with AB submitted genetic tissue of many different wild Rainbow and Cutthroat populations in AB to the U of A who are currently examining if we have any naturalized populations with more resistance to the disease. So there may be an avenue there.

Anyways, thank you for sharing!
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