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Old 07-09-2023, 01:39 PM
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bessiedog bessiedog is offline
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Finished at 6:20AM!
My boy’s laces blew up and he rolled his ankle. So we half walked the rest of course…. We 4x4d in and met him at km 20 with the intent to have me switch him out if he was really bad. He hobbled up… momma bear stuck him in the stream and he decided to continue b/c he could sort of run the flats….. so I got all dressed up fer nuffin.

Our Leg6 runner wound up shepherding in another runner whose lights stopped working.

So some stories were made.
The heat was a real factor on leg 4.

Overall great times!! Real good 24 hours worth of fun!!!

Till next time.

Oh…. Walking Wounded finished 48th
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Last edited by bessiedog; 07-09-2023 at 01:45 PM.
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