Thread: ASAP Tickets
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Old 07-02-2023, 10:55 PM
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Originally Posted by lyallpeder View Post
Cancellation no. But….

Last summer I was scheduled to fly Berlin- Amsterdam- Edmonton on a Saturday. I got an email on Wednesday my flight berlin to Amsterdam was canceled. I did absolutely nothing and on Thursday I got an email with my new itinerary to fly Berlin- Amsterdam- Calgary then to Edmonton via WestJet. They fly into Edmonton Saturdays and to Calgary on sundays.

I got another night in the hotel, forgot to keep most of my meal receipts and flew out on Sunday. We were delayed leaving Amsterdam a bit but nothing major, this made me miss my west jet flight. I was expecting this to be a pain in the butt but about 15 before landing the attendant gave me a paper with my new flight an hour later. My luggage went right to Edmonton… no customs. The best part was I did the claim and they paid me $1,900 for my (approximately) $2,200 flights being delayed one day!

And when we left the gate going to Europe, the pilot announced once we pushed back people may remove their masks, and on the way home he said canada requires all inbound flight to wear masks the whole flight. No one listened and they had no issues with it, thankfully.

Man sounds like you got lucky!!
I feel I was denied, critical, need to know Information!
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