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Old 06-30-2023, 01:10 AM
New2Elk New2Elk is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Yellowknife
Posts: 215

Whitefish is very versatile and can be prepared so many different ways. We catch and eat a ton of whitefish up here. I even got my wife (who disliked and never really ate fish before) liking fish by starting her out with a couple of whitefish prepared different ways. Smoking is done a lot up here although I haven’t tried that myself yet. A few of the ways we’ve done them and liked here are beer battered and pan fried in some oil, ground up and made fish burgers, coated in shredded potato, or baked in the oven with a coating made of mayo, egg white, dill, and onion. If you’re interested in any of that, let me know and I can dig up some recipes.
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