Thread: Air Canada rant
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Old 06-06-2023, 07:08 AM
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Groundhogger Groundhogger is offline
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It's a "race to the bottom" in terms of service with airlines. I fly about every other year and it would seem that when I go to book, there are always new/lower-cost (lower service/no flexibility) options each time. I sometimes can't believe what I'm seeing and even call to confirm. I won't pay to select a seat so even on WJ's (previous) lowest fair, you could pick from what's left 24 hours before your flight at no extra cost. Seems that option might be gone too.

Recently booked a family vacation and I'm bringing the wife/adult kids to AB this summer. Peak season and in spite of the expense, included cancellation insurance. Bitter pill to swallow, but lots of moving pcs. with a family of 5, you never know.

Hope the OP gets this changed to his satisfaction. If the flight is still a ways out, I'd really press and even be prepared to offer proof of your son's inability to go. Shouldn't have to, but could change the conversation..?
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