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Old 06-05-2023, 09:39 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Middle of nowhere edsonish, hunting chickens after giving up on elk for the trip. Driving grandpas 2 wheel drive delivery van. Already in a bad mood, stupid elk. Head down a new road that looked good. Got into mud, knew instantly it was bad but no where to turn around so kept going, and eventually the azz end hits the ditch. Oh well. Guess I’m doing the Ukrainian way to turn around. Pulling out the come along and two work trucks pull up. They can’t get by so offer to pull me out. I wrap the strap onto the frame but apparently not quite right. Dude guns it, strap whips out and cuts a transmission line. SH…… I get it fixed, but the jug of fluid in the back has about 3 tablespoons it. They manage to wiggle past and call a tow truck for me. $800 tow bill for $12 worth of transmission fluid.

Driving back across devils lake in the afternoon after getting skunked all morning. Same stupid van. Grandpa hits a soft spot. Get out and dig. 30 yards, happens again. And again. And again. And again. Got home around midnight. Now in hind sight we are lucky we never went through, but ya, not fun.

Nakamun. Brand new 1500 4x4, no more stuck for me haha. Pull up, walk out, f350 sitting out there with a guy fishing, I measure the ice 20 inches solid. Start driving towards the island…BOOM….sinking feeling, water in my tracks. Gun it and open the door, ready to bail. I hit that island and snow bank going as fast as them wheels would go. Buried to the doors but I’m on land, thank god. Finally stop shaking, climb out, walk out and drill…4-5 inches. SH…. SH….SH…..Thinking my new truck is gonna be on that island till January. I hand auger about 45 holes trying to find a “safe” way out. Eventually do but it’s narrow and sketchy. I dig my self out, catch a few perch, creep ever so slowly off the ice and onto a sled track in the willows. Well thats better. Get all the way out to the road only to get buried to the doors right in the ditch. Hell this is as good a place as I’ve been stuck all day, I’ll happily dig till midnight knowing I won’t drown. Dude comes along and pulls me out, shaking his head at how in I got into and out of that one. I don’t drive on ice anymore. Truck no boat, no float good.
“Nothing is more persistent than a liberal with a dumb idea” - Ebrand
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