Thread: AB Election
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Old 05-13-2023, 09:04 PM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is online now
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Originally Posted by ron anderson View Post
Not saying Notley is better ... pointing out that both are crap...
I would say that is basically our options for politicians in Canada. We are truly picking the best of the worst

In all honesty when I seen the UCP line up I was not impressed they need new blood

But when I see the NDP candidates I just shake my head and go wow theses people are the polar opposite of my personal values

I will vote UCP but it’s not because I think they are going to do an amazing it’s because I know the NDP will have more of a negative impact on my finances and lifestyle. If there was a better option I would vote for them but there is not

Really we seem to have more people getting into politics focusing on stupid social issues instead making sure Canada and its provinces/territories thrive. It’s seems to be too much to ask for a government that manages in a non biased manner that focuses on economics and infrastructure instead of petty social garbage