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Old 05-07-2023, 02:25 PM
smitty9 smitty9 is offline
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Default List of UCP decisions...reasons(?) not for vote to them? :)

Well folks, here on a Sunday, chilling with the pup, can't do much due to wicked sore throat. Silver lining is any excuse to make the ol' buttered rum hot toddy. Pretty delicious.
Know what else is delicious? Having actual reasons to vote for or against a party! lol

So instead of misinformation and disinformation, quarter-truths, (much of what is said on the ol' AOF General Discussion doesn't even qualify as half truths), stereotypes, sweeping generalizations, here's an actual list of actual decisions policies the UCP has actually done! lol

I know, I know....talking to a wall here. Remember, your friendly neighbourhood dipper socialist teacher doesn't come for the education, he comes for the complaining and comedy. No shortage of that around here.
So, I get it, minority, independent, centrist minded thinkers are not exactly welcomed. C'est la vie.

The most interesting thing will be if the mods of the forum allow such information to be deseminated. Clearly, many (all!!???) the mods here are on Team UCP. So, when push comes to shove, does the right actually believe in freedom??? We shall see!...

Enough pre-amble! Let's get on with this!

DECISIONS 1 through 50
Athabasca University 7% tuition increase.
Cut Campus Alberta grant by ~ 18%.
Due to education cuts U of L ends hockey programs. Looks to community funded model to reinstate programming.
Evicted the Indigenous Learning Institute.
Formed Trades Hall of Fame only to cut post-secondary trades programs at Alberta schools.
Job cuts at: U of A, SAIT, NAIT, U of C, U of L, MHC, LCC, GRANT MACEWAN etc. due to the UCP’s cuts to funding of post-secondary institutions.
MACEWAN increases tuition by 10%. Removes several online and evening courses.
MHC cuts 5 degree programs. MHC will suspend new applications for those seeking to become educational assistants, social work and addiction counsellors, or obtain a bachelor of business administration degree, or those hoping to take initial engineering courses that can be transferred to other institutions.
NAIT, SAIT increase tuition by 7%
Norquest College closes Drayton Valley and Whitecourt Campuses due to cuts.
The Advanced Education minister has appointed Janice MacKinnon to the University of Alberta's board of governors, effective Saturday. She led the government's blue ribbon panel examining Alberta's spending.
Tuition cap removal.
U of Alberta has cut 17.9% (Oct -6.9% + now -11%). Nearly 1/5 of the UofAs budget. Hundreds of support and non-tenured jobs are expected to be lost, along with major program cuts, by the end of March!
U of L to raise tuition 7%
Student loan interest rate increase due to removing the cap that had been enforced under the NDP.
Facing cuts, Bow Valley College closes one campus
UCP pays private firm 3.7 million to renew and reform post-secondary schools.
Due to budget cuts, Red Deer College has now laid off 2/3 of administrative staff
Due to UCP budget cuts, U of A will not participate in University athletics.
University of Lethbridge releases 2020 - 2021 Budget - Loses over $20.5 Million
UCP looks to have boards govern colleges and universities.
More cuts at U of A due to UCP cuts. NASA
UCP influenced BoG for ULeth looks to severely cut pay and Union protection for Faculty Association.
Post Secondary Funding cut again in budget 2021
U of Lethbridge and LCC react to budget 2021 cuts.
45% tuition increase in law program at U of A.
Squeezed by provincial cuts, UCalgary proposing 'massive' tuition hikes for some programs
UCP threatens online university, Athabasca University.
UCP approves exceptionally high tuition increase.
Alberta Farmers Lose Carbon Capture Credits
Bill 12, Liabilities Management Act, says that Govt delegates are “entitled to have access to and may enter on the land and any structure on the land” without owner consent.
Bill 26 completely exempts farm and ranch workers who work on a farm with five or fewer employees, not including workers employed for less than six months or who are family members, from the Employment Standards Code.
Removed agricultural scientists.
CEO of JBS named to "Champions of Agriculture" committee. Appears no representatives for agricultural workers on panel of 10 people.
Agriculture minister resigns
Cuts to respite in Calgary. Children's Cottage.
Cutting daycare subsidy, forcing many families to have to choose between paying for daycare or continuing to work.
"Removal of daycare and day home accreditation.
Children's Services cuts (cancellation of around 450 grants) some include:
- Family Supports for Children with Disabilities
- Early Childhood Development Coalitions
- Community Building Initiatives Grants
- Home visitation - New guidelines require 80% client focused time for outreach workers. While this does still include transportation and contact note time, it makes admin/training/planning/group implementation/supervision/team building much more difficult as front line workers have a LOT of documentation and policy review to keep up.
- Stay at home parent subsidy for preschool
- Early Childhood Education staff attraction grant
- Early Childhood Education Benefit Contribution Grant
- Support and Financial Assistance Agreements (SFAA), reduced dollars"
Alberta government will be discontinuing the Benefit Contribution Grant and the Staff Attraction Incentive which are aimed at supporting childcare centres and workers in the province.
Cuts to High Fidelity Wraparound Services.
Now, undoubtedly, many here would agree with these decisions (few-some-many-all). I, for the record, agreed with some of them. In fact, one example, one indicator that Kenney was doing actually alright during the early, early, early days of the pandemic was that his hard core base was apoplectic. That's always an indication that a Conservative leader is trying to act somewhat reasonable; the hard core members of the base are right p'oed. Naturally, the federal example of the Cons eating their own young would be when they unceremoniously tossed reasonable and moderate Erin O'Toole for having the gall to lose and election to Trudeau (enter your favourite curse word here). Fun fact; though I have issues with the Fed Conservative policy book, I would have considered Mr. O'Toole a significant upgrade over Mr. Trudeau as prime minister. Oh well, or oh hell. Too bad we can't morph Canada into a Republican style of country where we vote for the pm separately. (and..that whole triple E senate thing)

Anyways, more decisions to come.
