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Old 03-07-2023, 01:19 PM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Calgary Perchdance
Posts: 19,045

I’ve met a ton of great folks fishing over the years.

Looks like warmer weather is coming. That means the end of ice fishing is coming with it.

So I am going to be hammering the perch daily as soon as we start getting above zero temps and reasonable wind.

If you want to come fishing, please send me a pm. Posting here is good as a reminder also. In your PM leave your name and cell number and when you want to come and how many anglers you have. I’ll touch base with you and set the day and time and meeting place.

All perch will be kept. All trout released. There is a bathroom at the lodge should you need it. Bring your lunch and chair and drinks and snacks.

Gear that’s best is ultra light rods with spring bobbers or properly sized floating bobbers. 3-5 mm tungsten jigs in chartreuse, yellow, orange etc. maggots for bait to start and eyeballs and maggots after. 4-6 lb test. Braid is fine but a fluoro leader should be put on.

Just before the cold I was getting 60 perch an hour.

Average size is 5-6 inch but occasionally a bigger one. Huge schools means the bigger ones have a harder time reaching the hook first.

On a nice sunny day you can’t find a better way to spend a day in the city.

Bring buckets/bags for perch.

Small perch can be headed, gutted, battered and deep fried crispy.

If you don’t have hooks I can sell a few for 2 for $5.

Kids are always welcome. Great to see youngsters catching fish.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Charles Darwin
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