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Old 12-02-2022, 07:38 AM
Smoky buck Smoky buck is offline
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 7,542

One thing I have started to realize is how important low glow or no glow is. This is more of an issue I find when using them up close on communal scrapes

Over the last few years I started thinking about the amount of deer that at night we’re always staring at the cam almost stunted looking. I also noticed that it seemed some mature bucks seemed to disappear after a few checks especially if they were visiting the scrap at night.

This seems to be the case if the cam is up close getting frontal pics in situations the deer is stopped in front of the cam. If the cam is farther back and taking broad side or rear pic it’s less of an issue. Daylight no issues at all

So added a few low glow/no glow cams this season and ran a test. I set up 2 new cameras and 2 old cameras up close on scrapes

Old cams there were bucks definitely taking note of the cam. I did notice as I did in the past some bucks stopped visiting or visited less after multiple night time pics. I also noticed scrape activity slowed overall

New low glow/no glow cams the deer ignored except for the odd sniff because of scent on the cam. Activity at these scrapes stayed steady. The mature buck activity stayed relatively constant for bush bucks. Some will always be randoms

Overall I seen a noticeable difference and will slowly be switching to all low glow/no glow cams

The cams that do glow seem to be less of to almost no issues if they are used on trails to catch deer passing through walking. Or kept out of direct line of sight at a little distance

Glowing cams set on video seem to be the worst up close

I am not putting this up for debate but instead passing on my findings from actual putting this to the test and observing the reactions. Some might find this useful in there future choice in cams

Oh so it is known all my cams are set around 3 1/2 - 4ft off the ground so this can be a factor as they are within the deers line of sight
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