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Old 11-16-2022, 08:11 AM
AlbertanGP AlbertanGP is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: North of Redmonton
Posts: 1,616

Clam Sled Lights

I installed these on my Yukon and found them quite handy when you want a bit of light on the ice, but don't want the shelter lights shining down the hole. They're really easy on the eyes when you're fishing in the dark, and they don't direct much light down the hole. In the Yukon, I directed two onto the ice and the middle one into the tub. But I found I never used the one in the tub...I just turned a light on or used the light cannon if I was looking for something. So in the Eskape, I directed all three outwards onto the ice where I fish.

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