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Old 11-02-2022, 10:49 PM
HVA7mm HVA7mm is offline
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Originally Posted by Rvsask View Post
I love sharing this story, I think if defines the avg Americans knowledge base which is why they’re in the state they’re in right now and that’s messed up.

I went to Cheyenne Frontier Days four years ago on our way to watch some baseball in Denver. I went to the rodeo and decided a beer would be perfect. I went to the beer booth and not one single adult working there was willing to sell me a beer, after all Saskatchewan had to be a made up place and my I.d must be fake. So I went to another booth, same story. No beer for me, I was 43.

I enjoyed taking my kids road tripping down there when they were young, there are a lot of cool things to see and do. But man alive the absolute stupidity I’d run into in regards to knowledge about anything not “Mercia and military” was absolutely mind boggling, in every damn state we visited. I can totally understand why the extreme knuckleheads on the far right and far left believe everything they’re told, they’re stupid.
I wouldn't say "stupid", ignorant maybe. I've used my BC and Alberta ID all over the US, maybe it's just a Saskatchewan thing, lol.
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