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Old 10-02-2022, 11:43 AM
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BlackHeart BlackHeart is offline
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Originally Posted by roper1 View Post
Draw an X between the eyes & the base of their ears. If unsure, aim just a bit higher. They have more sinus lower, more brain higher. You can kill them shooting too high better than too low. Older steer that's been roped a couple seasons might have more bone, use WMR if you have access.
Did one steer with a 270 and the X method that failed. His head was down and enjoying a barley chop ration that had been put on the ground and shot was from standing and close. The result is the shot was perhaps a bit low and angled too sharp thru the top of his sinuses and missed the brain altogether. Don’t use a scoped gun as the barrel to bore difference has to be taken into account and when all is said not worth the potential issues.

Interesting was second shot was necessary and 1/2 cm higher and dropped stone dead.....but his head was up and looking at you.

So if you use the X method, crouch down, if his head is down and no scope. And I’d add 1 cm up for safety on your X estimated spot.

Also we normally have used a .22 on yearling steers without fail, but seen a neighbor fail on a big old bull he was turning into burger. He had to finish him with the 303 after the animal took off and went through his fences like butter.
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