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Old 07-08-2022, 09:41 AM
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heretohunt heretohunt is offline
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I subscribe to the theory that cartridges are more similar than they are different. Really a .308 or .708 are about perfect in my opinion. You can always go bigger but probably not necessary. Most animals will be shot inside of 300 yards. They should be good out to 450 yards.
Smaller is also good. I would happily use a 243 with a good bullet for anything. That being said if I was to come across a 350 inch bull elk or a 200 inch white tail I would wish for a bit more gun. Not because it’s not capable but you would want to be certain.
People say that recoil doesn’t bother them but I will guarantee most people will pick up a .223 and shoot it a lot more than their 300 WinMag. Not just due to recoil and noise but also cost and availability of components.
Of course that’s just being practical and not fun. I own a good selection of guns everywhere from 204 Ruger up to 338 Lapua AI.
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