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Old 06-06-2022, 07:39 PM
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Twisted Canuck Twisted Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackHeart View Post
So once this legislation gets passed, I won’t be able to transfer my handguns to my son even though he has a RPAL. Hmmm?

So I thought, maybe should transfer them now. That way he can still inherit them......just a fair bit sooner.

Then I thought why? When I pass, I might have gone senile without anybody noticing and hid my guns in the woods. Maybe someone from my family took them without me knowing. Maybe I left them on the front steps......because I didn’t want thousands of dollars just getting destroyed by having to hand them in when I pass.

My last will and testament will be to be buried with my handguns, me face down with no pants or underwear...that way they can dig me up and Kiss My Adze easily. And haul my corpse into the police car and charge me with whatever you like.

So what family is willingly going to just let thousands of dollars evaporate when their handgun owning parents die? Not many. Plus these guns will now be quite a bit more valuable on the black tens of thousands in value.

Soooo is he an idiot and by not allowing inheritance or transfer, indirectly creating huge $$$ incentives for legal handguns to be now expanding into the number of illegal handguns in Canada?

Are they going to start requiring a test of your mental capacity, once you reach a certain age in order to keep your handguns? How about a test of your health....just so they know your not about to drop dead soon. If you get terminal cancer, will they come and seize your handguns pre-emptively. Cause that the only way they would be able to ensure they just don’t disappear. he a F! Liar.......and they do plan on confiscation within a few years??
Let's not give them a heads up and tell them our plans.
'Once the monkeys learn they can vote themselves a banana, they'll never climb another tree.'. Robert Heinlein

'You can accomplish a lot more with a kind word and a gun, than with a kind word alone.' Al Capone
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