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Old 03-13-2022, 12:05 PM
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
Once again, you are assuming that there were repeated commands, and that they were given before any shots were fired. Did you ever wonder how the police even knew that he would be in the shop, when they arrived? Given he was a senior, with a shop at his residence , and the fact that it was mentioned that the "customer" called the night before to make sure that he would be there, it appears that he worked by appointment. Unless the police made an appointment, or had a "customer" make an appointment how could they be sure that he would be at his shop when they arrived, And of course that would explain why nobody seems to know who this mystery "customer " was, and why no details of who he is, have been released, it's not like the police would want the identity of a paid/confidential informant released. And you can be certain that an informat is going to give whatever statement the police tell him to give. That is why I would like to know who this "customer" was, and if he had any ties to the police.
As to the details of what happened, I believe that he had a handgun on the desk or in his hand, he is after all a gunsmith. But I find it more logical, that a police officer thought that the handgun was a threat and opened fire, without the gunsmith actually pointing it at the officers. And if he had the handgun in his hand and was startled by the police, he may have waved it when he was startled, and the officer took that movement as him swinging the gun on the police. But I don't find it at all logical, for a gunsmith to pick up a partly assembled handgun, and point it at the police, even after being told multiple times to put it down. I don't for a second believe that the police would even wait to give several commands if they honestly believed that he was pointing a loaded handgun at them because the delay could get one of them killed.
As to why they would come up with the story about him pointing the handgun, and giving him multiple commands, I believe they walked up on the body, realized that the handgun was not even complete, let alone loaded, and realized how badly the truth would look to the public. So they made up their story, made certain the "customer" was on board, and that is the version that they all reported.
Now of course I wasn't present, just as none of us were, but my version is based on logic, and makes a lot more sense than the one reported in the SIU release.
based on logic...thx...I really needed that one Your version is simply based on the direction your mind is set on.

this will play out in court or not....

I do agree and cant see why it is not standard equipment for all LEO to wear body cams, get it into the budgets and get on with it but even that will have its faults etc

One thing for sure far from a perfect world out there.

Be careful when you follow the masses, sometimes the "M" is silent...