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Old 01-14-2022, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Talking moose View Post
First off. When loading it, who wouldn’t notice the big hunk of lead hanging off the end of the casing? That and it would weigh 5 times as much as the previous round that was just put in? I call bs
They are talking about dummy rounds for close up shots loading and when the revolver is facing the camera so you can see bullets in the chambers.

The armourer did not check the rounds still her fault

In place of the powder, in a dummy round a single BB is placed inside. When you shake them you know. Also, the primer on the back is a piece of machined solid brass. These look the part but do not fire. They are sourced from the prop house or armory. On a Western set, they are everywhere. All of the gun belts are stacked with 15 to 25 rounds.

When filming a revolver, the front of the cylinder and gap to the rear of the cylinder are visible. You can see if it is loaded or not. Dummy rounds are placed in the cylinder to give the appearance that the gun is loaded. Before being placed in the gun, I show them to the first assistant director. He or she shakes them listening for that BB inside. Then I load them in the gun. I try to fire all of the dummy rounds at the floor in front of the assistant director. Nothing happens. I then present the gun to the talent, also firing at the floor so they see. If they are pointing it at another player, I also show them.
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