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Old 01-11-2022, 09:30 PM
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Dean2 Dean2 is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Dean, I’m not saying your choice of handle is wrong. I’m not inferring that you should rethink either. Just showing this as a bit of humour. Loveless’s demeanour reminds me so much of how my grandfather was (now you know where I get it from) I had to chuckle at this.

Start watching at 54:50
No offence taken as for sure none was intended. I have this little weak spot, I like my tools to be completely functional and look really pretty at the same time. I know dam well you have it too, just from the rifles you have built and carry.

This really has been a great thread. I would bet a ton of knives and sharpeners got sold because of it. Purchase mentoring at it's best.
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