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Old 12-31-2021, 08:50 PM
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jungleboy jungleboy is offline
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Originally Posted by ditch donkey View Post
Guys, what am I missing?

I can buy a Havalon for 40 - 50 bucks. It’s always deadly sharp.
I watched some guys in Africa cape out a lion for a full mount with butter knives they sharpened on bricks.

I can’t understand why anyone would pay $100, $200, $500, $1000 for a skinning knife. But I also don’t understand why someone would install a stereo in a vehicle that already had one from factory. Everyone has there thing.

Does a higher end knife work better than a Havalon?
I understand some people appreciate good tools and see value in that. Is that it?
What am I missing?
Agree , but the OP doesn’t want a replaceable blade knife.

I have been using the Shrade old timer drop point for close to 40yrs and have gutted and skinned more deer than I can recall with that blade. I have a bunch of other blades but that one always gets the nod.
If I was going to replace it I would probably buy a Mora and you can pay $80 for one of those these days if you take the higher grade knife.

I think it’s sort of like the Lee enfield vs Tikka. The end result is the same , deer with a hole in it and unaware of how much you spent on the hole puncher.

People like what they like can’t fault em for that.
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