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Old 12-29-2021, 09:58 AM
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teledogs teledogs is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,653

As always great post! Hunting the cold brings its challenges.

One funny hunt I did at -35°C - I walked in about a half km and found a place to sit. Got set up and walked out to set up the Foxpro. The wind was blowing and visibility was about 200m. As I turned the dial to power up the caller and set volume with my cold hands I accidentally hit the call button. The call was set on a goose call and the volume was maxed. So I had geese honking up a storm and my hands were too cold to turn it off. I looked up and across the field at about 200m I see the shadows of 3 coyotes running full out towards me and they were coming in on a string! I erred as I had left my rifle where I was to be sitting. I left the call there honking away and made it back to my rifle which was about 20 yards away and the dogs kept coming. I picked up the rifle and tried to adjust parallax and magnification and no dial would turn. Even tried bare handed and nothing would adjust. The coyotes came in to about 40m of the call and busted me. I stood there cold and unable to do anything but laugh and watch. I packed and went to the warm house. I'd try a few stands today if I wasnt in the Park!
Thanks again!
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