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Old 12-01-2021, 05:37 PM
Positrac Positrac is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 3,281

I drove up there for the Winter Carnival a few years back but never fished. There was a derby on though and locals were fishing not far out. I doubt they would be doing that unless they caught fish there.

It’s a long trip with a few tank traps on the road. You can usually see them a ways off because there will be car parts spread all over the place. My biggest advice would be stay all the way over to the right on steep hills. We were approaching the top of a hill when a couple Braves in a Ford Raptor came over the top going in the opposite direction and they were well past us before all 4 tires hit the road. They were probably doing over 100 on the ice road. An unsuspecting person driving in the middle of the road would have had a real bad day.
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