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Old 11-20-2021, 01:36 PM
AlbertanGP AlbertanGP is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: North of Redmonton
Posts: 1,616

After watching a few panfish videos on YouTube, and wanting to fish more for perch this season, I decided to pick up one of these...

I gotta say after laying hands on it, I'm not sure if I really need the Quad HD. The utility and portability of this thing is amazing. I highly recommended checking it out if you're looking for a higher end camera. It's going to pair really nicely with a 6" drill/auger combo for scouting weed beds.

I also picked up my Otter Vortex Resort Hub after ordering it the day it showed up in Cabela's system. They told me they just got some in at the Edmonton South store this week if anyone is looking. CMX Outdoors in Swift Current may also have some when Cabela's sells out.

P.S. - I'm trying to help a friend find an ION G2...preferably one from last year with the 6Ah battery, but a current one is fine. If anyone has seen one please let me know. Cheers.
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