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Old 11-30-2009, 09:38 AM
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blackpheasant blackpheasant is offline
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Originally Posted by droptine View Post
The way I see it , is the Flame fans also are referring to the past; just that there memory is shorter. The biggest difference between the "good" oilers and the "good" flames is that when the oil were good they made the most of their talent , Cowgary has pizzed it away. If you want to gloat about your teams dominance over the oil while you win 0 cups go ahead, but that is all you can brag about. As was posted before, the oil have been to the finals the same amount of times as the flames this decade, and won a cup since the flames won theirs. If you really want to impress yourselves, try googling the playoff records of the oil and the flames, the oil could miss the playoffs for the next 20 years; at the rate the flames are putting up playoff wins, the oil would still have more playoff wins.
Your wrong the Flames are better than the Oilers, na na na na na na...
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