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Old 11-10-2021, 09:34 AM
AlbertanGP AlbertanGP is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: North of Redmonton
Posts: 1,639

Last year things froze up to 2-4" in early November. But then it warmed up again around this time. Some of the lakes were probably still ok in the middle or enough to fish in say 10 fow, but had melted around shore making getting on difficult. You can place boards to get out and all sorts of other shenanigans. But really, just wait a week. Falling through is no joke. If you get a gulp of ice cold water in your lungs on the way in, you may not even bob back up. I almost went in my first time out last season, even after scouting my exact path the afternoon before I went fishing.

Shoot me a PM with ice thicknesses if you head out and I'll do the same. Cheers.
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