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Old 11-04-2021, 01:13 PM
32-40win 32-40win is offline
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May be some hope here. Appears Justice Gagne was paying attention;

Alberta Tactical Rifle Supply
3h ·
As some of you may know we have been anxiously awaiting a decision from Judge Gagne since June 29th 2021 when we had the opportunity to argue our motions in court.
We suffered some minor losses in our action against the government on October 21st 2021 when Judge Gagne handed down her decision regarding some parts of our claim. So far ALL of the assorted cases surrounding the May 1 debacle have suffered some motions being struck.
The Federal Court supports the ATRS cause of action against the federal government and four RCMP employees (para 33 and 34 of her decisions). Against the stiff opposition put forward by government lawyers ATRS prevailed in maintaining the main and highly significant action for Misfeasance in a Public Office. This ruling opens the door to a finding of the FRT opinion database is unlawful and causes damages to businesses and individuals. At issue is the unlawfulness of the FRT itself and the culpability of the individual RCMP employees who are alleged to have acted beyond their duties and powers to cause direct harm to ATRS and Richard Timmins, along with thousands of other individuals that have been effected by the unlawful changes to the FRT classifications.
The other causes of action were passed over by the court and removed, allowing a tight focus on the RCMP employees creating the FRT database.
ATRS and Mr Timmins will now focus on those specific allegations and provide the court with strong evidence that the FRT opinions regarding the Modern Series rifles are wrong at law and in fact.
This is the only court case aimed directly at the lawfulness ( or lack thereof ) of the infamous FRT. Since the OIC challenges were denied a review of the FRT opinions this is "The Case" to continue the challenge. By preserving the MPO cause of action the court has shown it is focused on the FRT and the action of the RCMP. There will be no other claims to distract from this highly important issue.
This promises to be thee landmark case.
You can be part of this case by donating to ATRS and Rick Timmins. As in any case this is a struggle. Your donations are desperately needed in order to continue with this important action. This case will define the legality or illegality of the FRT itself.
Donations can be made directly via EMT to or through our GoFundMe fundraiser here:
For those who have Modern Series rifle or receiver sets ordered we ask for your continued patience while our legal team continues to fight to either determine once and for all that the FRT has no legal standing and we can release the product to our clients, or alternately we are awarded damages with which to purchase back what was sold after May 1 2020.
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