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Old 11-28-2009, 04:47 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
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So like I was trying to say before, even if you shoot my dog when it was in the process of chasing wildlife and you are not a F&W officer/guardian, you will be charged, just like he was...are you ready to deal with the consequences over a deer?
It's not "a" deer,if a dog chases one deer,he will likely chase others.And perhaps the shooter simply shot at the deer and accidentally hit the dog because he didn't use enough lead.Or if the strange dog is running flat out toward the person as was the situation in the first post that began this thread,shooting a strange dog that is running flat out at you,would make a good case for self defense.I doubt that anyone is going to be stupid enough to take the carcass to the owner and tell them that the dog got what it deserved.And as was posted before,the police aren't going to waste a lot of time and resources to build a case for a dog being shot while illegally chasing deer.And if the coyotes find the dog before the owner does,nobody will ever know that it was even shot.

If you aren't aware of it,there was a recent case where a man was accused of manslaughter because he killed a woman when he fired at what he thought was a deer.His excuse was that he saw a white tail and shot at the deer.Coincidentally the woman was wearing white.The case was bungled so badly by the judge that he found the shooter not guilty.If our legal system can't even get a conviction in that case,good luck on them getting a conviction for a dog that was killed for illegally chasing deer.
A link to that case for those that are CGN members.

Actually since he lived just inside of the village limits, he would have been charged with discharging a gun in the limits of a town. He thought that this would be worse but was wrong.
Exactly why you call the police immediately and report the incident.In the case of self defense,especially the defense of children.I doubt that the police would be too concerned with the bylaw.

Last edited by elkhunter11; 11-28-2009 at 04:53 PM.