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Old 11-28-2009, 03:33 PM
roughneckin roughneckin is offline
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Originally Posted by elkhunter11 View Post
You would be lucky to find out who shot your dog,let alone get a criminal conviction.The police aren't going to spend a lot of time or money trying to solve a dog shooting.Your hunting privileges get suspended if you violate the wildlife act,how is killing a dog a wildlife act violation?As for your PAL, good luck getting that suspended or revoked for killing a dog.It wasn't that long ago that a Lac La Biche woman was granted a PAL by the courts,even though she had a record of assault and uttering death threats.Our so called justice system is very lenient with murders and drug dealers,so I would not count on a harsh sentence for shooting a dog that was illegally chasing wildlife.And once again,first you have to prove who shot your dog.
I have a pretty good grasp on this as one of my distant uncles that we used to hang out with quite a bit did this but it involved not harassment of animals but his children. The neighbor's dogs used to come over and growl at the kids, he gave them a few phone calls but the dogs continued to do this.
Finally he had enough, took the 2 dogs by the scruff of the neck, threw them in his truck and drove them about 3miles into the bush and shot them both so his children did not have to witness it. He later brought them back, dropped them off at the neighbor's farm yard and told him to keep his dogs away from his kids.
Now to most people here this would seem like a logical way to handle it as stated before and this is not some random deer, this was his children. He received 2 yrs of parole, a whole bunch of public community service, lost his rifles for 5yrs and got a criminal record so he could not cross any borders. He also was limited to what jobs he could do because of said criminal record.
But would he do it again, yes in a heart beat. But if it was a deer that the dog was chasing, he would have left it be, it wasn't hurting him or his family.
Yes I agree you would have a hard time finding out who shot your dog, but there is a good chance too that if it was shot like that then you would assume that a wolf got it or it ran away which would be a lot easier on a family than finding out it was shot because someone decided to take the law into his own hands.