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Old 10-08-2021, 05:35 PM
dmeinder dmeinder is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Posts: 24

Originally Posted by -JR- View Post
Was that you out on the lake last saturday , fighting those waves .
I think you pulled your boat in 5 min before me .
I don't think so, I was forced to pack it in Sept. 19 due to the damage, But We were fighting some significant waves. That's the other problem with Alberta Beach launch.... its essentially quite "Open" allowing the waves to get big as there is no isolation or protection. Also, the docks orientation offers decent protection from this, But once out of the way of it...Whooooosh, the waves throw you back to the beach, of which, is even more shallow!

I work for a firm that designed the launch and I was cruising pretty bad on the design team due to this launch, however, I imagine at "normal" water levels it works quite well.

I prefer corsair cove because at least that launch is flat. Its quite hard to get a buoyant device to not sit level with the water when loading in order to line up with the un-level trailer bunks..
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