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Old 09-21-2021, 09:10 PM
MyAlberta MyAlberta is offline
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Originally Posted by Dean2 View Post
Well. looks like the lying Liberals are being exposed and, their shills and the idiots at the Bank of Canada are wrong again. Inflation is accelerating and it sure isn't temporary. This needs to be a VERY big issue in the election as this is Trudeau's disastrous policies coming home to roost, and inflation is tax on every single Canadian.

Rob Roach, ATB Economics | August 18, 2021
Inflation in Alberta spiked in July

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Please note: The Owl will be going on vacation starting next week and returning on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

After rising by 2.7% on a year-over-year basis in June, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in Alberta increased by 3.7% in July. Excluding gasoline, the CPI increased by 2.6%.

Gasoline (+38.4%), natural gas (+30.9%) and electricity (+21.1%) prices saw particularly large increases compared to June 2020.

The cost of food purchased from stores was 2.0% higher while food purchased from restaurants increased by 3.2%.

Recreational cannabis prices were 22.7% lower than 12 months earlier. The cost of clothing and footwear decreased by -1.7%.

Nationally, the inflation rate went from 3.1% in June to 3.7% in July. with prices higher in every province. Prince Edward Island had the highest rate at 6.1% while Saskatchewan had the lowest at 2.3%.

At 4.0%, the inflation rate was higher in Calgary than in Edmonton where it was 3.2%.

Answer to the previous trivia question: With an officially recognised top speed of 316 mph, the SSC Tuatara is currently the world's fastest production car.

Today’s trivia question: What is the official national currency of Denmark called?

Anyone not expecting this had their head in the sand. US policies guarantee this result. Add a global pandemic to really know what its like to get caught with your pants down.

Originally Posted by Dean2 View Post
For those of you that have been waiting for a market correction to buy back in, pay attention. Depending on what happens in China with their real estate sector and the potential default of a huge Real Estate company China Evengrade Group, the decreasing price of commodities and the Delta variant wave, we could see up to a 20% correction over the next month or so.

For anyone holding risky stocks this would be a good time to collect your profits and hold the money on the side for the buying opportunities in quality stocks. Most of you know I am not a fan of trying to sell before dips and buy back on the highs but I am currently sitting on a higher than normal cadh reserve, waiting for some buying opportunities in top performing dividend paying stocks.
Once again, realestate leads the pack
I get all the news I need in the weather report
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