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Old 09-06-2021, 03:27 PM
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bryard2 bryard2 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 91

A lot of very nice pictures on this thread. Way to go to everybody who got a nice Pike! First of these pics, the one with the bad hand hold on the fish is 15.6 pounds and the other one is 9.5 pounds. I was fishing a part of the lake I would never be hunting Pike in and I was using a tiny jig with a 2.5 inch rubber body on
it. The 15.6 pound one was the first fish that my wife ever needed for me and she did an awesome job. Both of these would have been a personal best for me. I weighed my net empty and then weighed the fish in the net and subtracted the net weigh. Both fish revived nicely and swam away no problem thank the Lord! So ashamed of my hand hold on the bigger fish lol

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