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Old 08-12-2021, 07:08 PM
kevin2053 kevin2053 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 147
Default dont agree

Sorry, everyone, I see this situation from a different view. Many of you won't like what I have to say. I typically shy away from controversial armchair internet chatter, but I cant help myself on this one.

I have to preface this by saying it's not personal, and I have known Lawrence for a long time. He might actually agree with some of my words.

I have managed or worked in 5 different archery stores starting in 1987, and can say that working in the industry, there are many things wrong with supporting a "fella" working from his garage.

Simply, Lawrence should have to open a bonafide pro shop before purchasing and selling any archery products to customers. He should have to assume the same risks as others who have dedicated their personal savings to building a shop, employing staffing who depend on wages for a living, and offer a facility that will grow the community as a whole.

Lawrence's reputation is intact in this geographical area; however, if I was still in the archery business and made the above sacrifices owning a pro-shop in this climate, I would see that his ability to buy and sell goods was challenged. The idea that he can offer the same products as "Jimbows" (PSE and Black Gold) undermines the essence of owning a true pro-shop, along with making all the sacrifices as a business owner. This is why archery pro shops come and go in the capital area.

Not for one second should this announcement be celebrated... sorry.

Go ahead and get mad at my words. At the same time, go get your broadheads from AliExpress, then ponder why you have nowhere to shoot your bow this winter after hunting season. The practice of backyard pros may work in other industries; however, in the archery industry, it is fatal to people trying to make a living at it.

PS. Brendan's ya. Just don't agree.

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