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Old 06-21-2021, 07:52 PM
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orvisman orvisman is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 67

Hi. More often than not, the evening or morning rise on lakes will be to emerging midges or midges laying eggs on the water. If you see tiny bugs dragging their bum on the water it's laying eggs. Try a size 18 griffiths gnat. If you see nothing and the trout rises are like boils, they're most likely taking midge (chironomid) pupa just under the surface. Use size 14 or 16 zebra midge and let it sit out there. Make sure it's unweighted so it just sinks under the surface. I've caught tones of trout using these methods. Of course if they're rising to something you can see like a caddis, just imitate that. Make sure to use a leader about nine feet and tie on about two or three feet tippet of appropriate size. Also, watch a video on the different types of rise forms. If no rises, they're feeding subsurface and probably won't rise to a dry fly.
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