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Old 06-16-2021, 10:26 PM
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3blade 3blade is offline
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First things first: go to a pro shop, have them check it over and confirm it’s safe to use. Lot of old bows are fine and some will blow up. Next they will measure your draw length and help you tune the bow and arrows. This is somewhat involved and it’s much easier to have someone teach you than try to google it all for first time.

After that, I’d recommend a rangefinder and 3D target. You need to know how far you are shooting (we almost always range trees, etc in anticipated shot locations) and the 3D target trains your brain to pick a spot on a blank brown animal, not a bright aiming point in a bullseye (many target archers neglect this and miss or gut shoot their first deer, despite shooting tiny little groups on paper)

For broadheads I’d recommend slick tricks or g5 strikers. You can google how to spin test them on your arrows. Do not use mechanicals on a 45lb bow. I agree with Brendan’s dad, get that stuff and have it installed at the shop.

With a moderate investment and plenty of practice you will be well on your way into the world of bowhunting.

Edit: get rid of that peep elastic. Those things are great at breaking and smacking you in the eye.
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